Saturday, July 9, 2011

(Remembering the 911 attack ) Poem entitled: Silence from the Enemy

This poem is about the 911 attack on the United States of America

"Silence from the Enemy"

What conceivable notion is this?
To attack us without notice to our defense
Mindless pack animals, their actions show
Their objective is to destroy our mankind
An unspeakable act of rage that cannot be
unmade, but we will rise quickly
from this outrageous effect of distrust
Boundaries of respect crushed in an impulsive plot
We will not let this heinous antagonist
deteriorate our America Dream
To be free, believe, and live peacefully
Without our belief of spirituality
We will be helpless against the enemy
I pray and know there will be victory
In the end only the faithful believers
Stand without worries.

Copyright © 2001 Chanetta Diane McNeal

Published by International Library of Poetry
Anthology entitled The Best Poems and Poets of 2001